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Heidegger e o Diálogo

Heidegger e o Diálogo

Francisca Soares Rutigliano, “Heidegger e o Diálogo: O Percurso de uma discussão fenomenológica na qual o fenômeno da serenidade é apresentado enquanto o constitutivo da essência do pensamento,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73, no. 2 (2017): 893–942, DOI 10.17990/rpf/2017_73_2_0893

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  • Heidegger e o Diálogo: O Percurso de uma discussão fenomenológica na qual o fenômeno da serenidade é apresentado enquanto o constitutivo da essência do pensamento

    Type Journal Article
    Author Francisca Soares Rutigliano
    Rights © 2017 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2017 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 73
    Issue 2
    Pages 893-942
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283; 2183-461X
    Date 2017
    DOI 10.17990/rpf/2017_73_2_0893
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract This article presents itself as an interpretation of Heidegger’s Dialogue Toward the Discussion of Serenity – From a discussion towards the path of the scope of thought. In this work, in which it is discussed the problem of Being and of the essence in view of an access to the condition of possibility and to the proper character of thought, the Philosopher proposes an investigative procedure of the question of Being and of the essence outside the logical parameter of identity. In the investigative context of his Dialogue, Heidegger exposes the essence of thought in another perspective than that of spontaneity, traditionally based on the Will of the Subject. The purpose of this article is to show how Heidegger, privileging the theme of a previous Open, constituted as a condition of the possibility of all comprehending and concessive of the horizon itself of representation, directs the problematic of Being and of the essence to a completely different dimension from that of the transcendental horizon of the Representation. Accompanying the course of this Dialogue, we will try to unfold the problematic content of the concepts there emerged, which are still unprecedented in Ontology: serenity, wait, free amplitude, Quaternity, appropriation.
    Date Added 21/06/2017, 11:00:26
    Modified 14/07/2017, 10:05:54


    • essence
    • free amplitude
    • horizon
    • serenity
    • thought
    • will


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