
Apostolado da Oração


Deus no último escrito de São Tomás de Aquino

Deus no último escrito de São Tomás de Aquino

Inês Bolinhas, “Deus no último escrito de São Tomás de Aquino,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73, no. 2 (2017): 793–804, DOI 10.17990/rpf/2017_73_2_0793

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  • Deus no último escrito de São Tomás de Aquino

    Type Journal Article
    Author Inês Bolinhas
    Rights © 2017 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2017 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 73
    Issue 2
    Pages 793-804
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283; 2183-461X
    Date 2017
    DOI 10.17990/rpf/2017_73_2_0793
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract It is commonly accepted that Thomas Aquinas didn’t write after his mystical ecstasy, which happened in December of 1273. His statement to Reginald of Piperno that he couldn’t do it no more because he had realized that everything he had written was tota palea is widely known. However, he left us one last text: a letter to Bernard, Abbot of the Monastery of Montecassino. He wrote it in mid-February of 1274. We can see that the message of this last letter is in total accordance with what he had said before in the Pars Prima of the Summa Theologiae: God is perfectly omniscient, provident and merciful. He is also the most respectful guardian and caretaker of the human free will; His foreknowledge doesn’t harm the integrity of the creature’s free will.
    Date Added 21/06/2017, 11:00:05
    Modified 14/07/2017, 09:55:07


    • eternity
    • foreknowledge
    • free will
    • mercy
    • providence
    • time


    • Prümmer, D. M., Laurent, M. H.  (eds.). Fontes vitae S. Thomae Aquinatis notis historicis et criticis illustrate, 6 vols. Saint-Maximin [Var]: Revue Thomiste, Supplement, 1911-1937.
      Tomás de Aquino. Epistola ad Bernardum abbatem Casinensem in Sancti Thomae Aquinatis doctoris angelici Opera Omnia iussu Leonis XIII P. M. edita, t. 42. Roma: Editori di San Tommaso, 1979.
      Tomás de Aquino. Summa Theologiae. Texto latino da Edição Leonina reproduzido em Suma Teológica, vol. I. Edição coordenada por C.-J. Pinto de Oliveira. São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 2001.
      Tomás de Aquino. Compendium Theologiae. Texto latino da Edição Leonina reproduzido em Abrégé de Théologie (Compendium Theologiae) ou Bref Résumé de Théologie pour le frère Raynald. Introdução, tradução e notas de J.-P. Torrell. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2007.
      Torrell, Jean-Pierre. Initiation à saint Thomas d’Aquin. Sa personne et son oeuvre. Paris: Cerf, 1993.


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