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Ways of Subordinating God to Human Beings in Early Modern Philosophy

Ways of Subordinating God to Human Beings in Early Modern Philosophy

Viorel Vizureanu, “Ways of Subordinating God to Human Beings in Early Modern Philosophy: A General Overview with Special Attention to the Role Played by Mathematics in Cartesian Epistemology,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73, no. 2 (2017): 717–50, DOI 10.17990/rpf/2017_73_2_0717

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Ways of Subordinating God to Human Beings in Early Modern Philosophy: A General Overview with Special Attention to the Role played by Mathematics in Cartesian Epistemology

Type Journal Article
Author Viorel Vizureanu
Rights © 2017 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2017 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Volume 73
Issue 2
Pages 717-750
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
ISSN 0870-5283; 2183-461X
Date 2017
DOI 10.17990/rpf/2017_73_2_0717
Language English
Abstract Our paper focuses, from a philosophical standpoint, on a defining phenomenon of modernity which we will call the subordination of God to the human being. It concerns a complex and subtle phenomenon, mainly involuntary, due to the fact that many philosophical strategies were meant to reinforce a declining presence of God in the general framework of human knowledge. Subsequently, we chose to exemplify this kind of approaches through the peculiar place occupied by mathematics in modern philosophy, especially in the 17th century, by making appeal mainly to the works of Descartes, from a perspective which might be called of a Heideggerian inspiration. We will see that even in this narrower context, the aforementioned subordination is not simple or unequivocal, but one that possesses multiple aspects or ways through which it is confirmed. And, of course, speaking in a strictly scientific manner (for the sake of rigor), we have to limit for the time being the conclusions of our interpretation only to the latter (Cartesian) context.
Date Added 21/06/2017, 11:00:23
Modified 14/07/2017, 10:03:25


  • constructivism
  • Descartes
  • early modern philosophy
  • God
  • mathematics


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