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El Concepto de Justicia Distributiva en la Metafísica Jurídica Kantiana

El Concepto de Justicia Distributiva en la Metafísica Jurídica Kantiana

Ileana P. Beade, “El Concepto de Justicia Distributiva en la Metafísica Jurídica Kantiana,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75, no. 1 (2019): 279–304,

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El Concepto de Justicia Distributiva en la Metafísica Jurídica Kantiana

Type Journal Article
Author Ileana P. Beade
Rights © 2019 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2019 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Volume 75
Issue 1
Pages 279-304
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
ISSN 0870-5283
Date 2019
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2019_75_1_0279
Language Spanish
Abstract In this paper I analyze Kant’s conception of justice, as discussed in some of his main political and juridical writings. In the first place, I will attempt to show that the concept of a distributive justice is not connected with an equitable distribution of resources, but with the notion of public justice, that is to say: it is related to the equality and reciprocity which result from the subjection of all the members of the civil society to the public authority. Despite the fact that distributive justice is not connected with economical equality, Kant introduces some observations regarding the problem of redistribution within the frame of his doctrine of right. I will examine those observations and discuss recent interpretations regarding this important topic. Finally, I will focus on the question of publicity as a criterion of justice. The discussion of these issues will allow to stress the importance of the concept of justice in Kant’s juridical philosophy.
Date Added 24/04/2019, 19:27:53
Modified 24/04/2019, 20:46:47


  • justice,
  • moral philosophy,
  • Kant,
  • equality,
  • law,
  • political philosophy


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