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La construcción de la figura del Emperador como soberano absoluto en el De monarchia de Dante Alighieri

La construcción de la figura del Emperador como soberano absoluto en el De monarchia de Dante Alighieri

Francisco Bertelloni, “La construcción de la figura del Emperador como soberano absoluto en el De monarchia de Dante Alighieri,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75, no. 3 (2019): 1611–24,

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La construcción de la figura del Emperador como soberano absoluto en el De monarchia de Dante Alighieri

Type Journal Article
Author Francisco Bertelloni
Rights © 2019 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2019 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Volume 75
Issue 3
Pages 1611-1624
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
ISSN 0870-5283
Date 2019
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2019_75_3_1611
Language Spanish
Abstract In his De Monarchia Dante Alighieri builds the figure of an absolute sovereign, the Emperor. Dante understands the Emperor as the best man. To get to that figure Dante passes before for two moments, each of them is a totality. In the first moment that totality is humanity as a knowing subject; humanity constitutes the figure of the political subject. In the second moment the whole is represented by an institution, the monarchy or empire, a total sovereignty. And in the third moment Dante builds the figure of the Emperor. The Emperor is not an institution, but a person, that is, the visible place of the Monarchical Institution. Dante describes his Emperor as the person in whom total power and a perfect will are concentrated. The Emperor can do everything and always works well, because he lacks passions. Although the problem of passion intensively appears only in the political theory of the Renaissance, in the Middle Ages the passions have a place in political texts. According to Dante, the Emperor is the justest of men, so the passion is totally absent from him and therefore his decisions (laws) are absolutely just.
Date Added 27/10/2019, 19:52:57
Modified 27/10/2019, 20:09:08


  • empire
  • absolute sovereignty,
  • best man,
  • Dante,
  • emperor,


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