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‘A glória dos reis é tomar a palavra.’ Discurso, ‘verdade’ e poder no Rex Pacificus

‘A glória dos reis é tomar a palavra.’ Discurso, ‘verdade’ e poder no Rex Pacificus

José Maria Silva Rosa, “‘A glória dos reis é tomar a palavra.’ Discurso, ‘verdade’ e poder no Rex Pacificus,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75, no. 3 (2019): 1575–1610,

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“A glória dos reis é tomar a palavra.” Discurso, ‘verdade’ e poder no Rex Pacificus

Type Journal Article
Author José Maria Silva Rosa
Rights © 2019 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2019 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Volume 75
Issue 3
Pages 1575-1610
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
ISSN 0870-5283
Date 2019
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2019_75_3_1575
Language Portuguese
Abstract The text titled Quaestio de potestate papae or Rex Pacificus, as it became known from its incipit, is one of the booklets that appeared in France, in 1302, during the clashes between Philip IV the Handsome (1285-1314), and Boniface VIII (1294 to 1303). Written from the perspective of the French king, it rejects the doctrine of the papal fullness of power (plenitudo potestatis) instigating the king himself to take the word to (re)claim and to fight for his royal rights. The exhortation deserves to be emphasized particularly when considered that, in such a context, the word was not only the Pope’s ecclesiastical privilege, but also subject to restrictions, interdictions, and rituals; in fact, according to Foucault’s hermeneutics, the political order (particularly the will of power) always lays under the order of discourse. Furthermore, king Philip IV was also plotting to summon a General Council which would represent the decisive word of the reunited Church, therefore superior to the Pope’s, whom he intended to have judged and convicted as heretic. Even though the words Rex Pacificus explicitly refer to King Solomon, it is evident that they were deliberately chosen in order to praise the actions of the French king as the ‘new Solomon’ and, by the same token, criticize Boniface VIII as agitator and source of political dissensions and disputes. Thus, peace is not only exalted as the most precious temporal gift, but also as condition to achieve the highest spiritual good one can aspire to: the salvation of the soul. Hence, if the Pope claims the temporal power owned by princes and kings to himself, he becomes a source and cause of conflict – and, in doing so, he ends up subverting the temporal peace and turning the spiritual goal pursued by the militant Church an unattainable goal.
Date Added 27/10/2019, 19:52:56
Modified 27/10/2019, 20:07:37


  • church,
  • discourse,
  • Foucault,
  • king Philip IV the Handsome,
  • kingdom,
  • plenitudo potestatis,
  • pope Boniface VIII,
  • Rex Pacificus


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