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Questões de Política Medieval: O Cristianismo nas Encruzilhadas do Poder

Questões de Política Medieval: O Cristianismo nas Encruzilhadas do Poder

Joaquim Cerqueira Gonçalves, “Questões de Política Medieval: O Cristianismo nas Encruzilhadas do Poder,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75, no. 3 (2019): 1433–58,

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Questões de Política Medieval: O Cristianismo nas Encruzilhadas do Poder

Type Journal Article
Author Joaquim Cerqueira Gonçalves
Rights © 2019 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2019 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Volume 75
Issue 3
Pages 1433-1458
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
ISSN 0870-5283
Date 2019
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2019_75_3_1433
Language Portuguese
Abstract The political questions of the Middle Ages are studied. The text The City of God of Saint Augustine, still of antiquity, but of great repercussion in the immediate and distant future besides condensing also something of the past of the humanity is remarked. Everything is referred to the Christian religion but what moves all humanity, including the Christian community, is the ontological dynamics of love, bifurcated, but not necessarily, in selfishness that leads to the need for power in society whose object is its well-being. The Christian religion has not a political design but its influence in society has earned the attention of politicians who brought it closer to power, which will also be disputed by the religious authority of the church. This metamorphosis of religious authority into political power was exalted but also rejected by Christian thinkers. The medieval scholasticism already enabled by the texts of Aristotle, especially the one of the Politics, continued to clarify the nature of the city and of the power, in the middle of a diversity of positions, some of them still close to the potestas universalis of the Pope. Perfiled frequently in contrast, the orientations of Aristotle and those of Augustine personified in scholasticism in St. Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus. Thus the secularization of power and the secularization of society had a decisive contribution in the Middle Ages.
Date Added 27/10/2019, 19:52:46
Modified 27/10/2019, 19:57:05


  • politics,
  • scholasticism
  • church,
  • empire,
  • franciscans,
  • laicity,
  • pope,
  • Saint Augustin,


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