Ética das Virtudes: Perspetivas Contemporâneas
Ética das Virtudes: Perspectivas Contemporâneas
Organizadores: Bruno Nobre; João Carlos Onofre Pinto
2020, Volume 76, Fasc. 1
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0000
Ética das Virtudes: Perspectivas Contemporâneas
Organizadores: Bruno Nobre; João Carlos Onofre Pinto
2020, Volume 76, Fasc. 1
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0000
Editor | Bruno Nobre |
Editor | João Carlos Onofre Pinto |
Rights | © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2020 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia |
Publication | Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia |
Volume | 76 |
Issue | 1 |
Place | Braga |
Publisher | Axioma - Publicacções da Faculdade de Filosofia |
9789726973171 (Paperback) ; 9789726973188 (eBook) |
0870-5283; 2183-461X |
Date | 2020 |
DOI | 10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0000 |
Language | Portuguese, English, Spanish |
# of Pages | 504 |
Date Added | 30/04/2020 |
Modified | 30/04/2020 |
Presentation | The virtues approach dominated ethics during the period of Classical Antiquity and throughout the Middle Ages. During Modernity, this rich tradition went through a progressive decline, and was eventually replaced by the influential traditions initiated by authors such as Immanuel Kant, Jeremy Bentham or John Stuart Mill. As it is well known, a seminal article written in 1958 by Elizabeth Anscombe initiated a revival of virtue ethics. Since then, an increasing number of moral philosophers, such as Alasdair MacIntyre, Philippa Foot, Bernard Williams or Martha Nussbaum, have made important contributions to the retrieval of this approach to normative ethics. While several authors have devoted their efforts to a deeper understanding of the classical thinkers and texts of virtue ethics, such as Aristotle or Thomas Aquinas, others have proposed new approaches in dialogue with contemporary developments within normative ethics. Although contemporary virtue ethics was initially developed at the level of general fundamental ethics, in recent years this approach was increasingly used to address contemporary problems within applied ethics, in fields such as human bioethics, environmental ethics, business ethics, communication ethics, political science, etc. It is the goal of the present issue of RPF to offer a contribution to an assessment of the contemporary retrieval of contemporary virtue ethics, evaluating its possibilities and limits, and exploring applications to different realms of human activity. The volume is divided in four parts. The first set of articles addresses fundamental questions concerning the relevance and status of virtues ethics within moral philosophy, opening up fresh perspectives and offering new insightful discussions on themes such as the exemplarist virtue theory, the relation between happiness and the virtues, and the dialogue between virtue ethics and the ethics of care. The second set of articles invites a retrieval of important themes of virtue ethics from an historical perspective, privileging two major authors of the virtues’ tradition, namely Aristotle and Aquinas. In the third part, we gather fresh discussions on unexplored virtues, such “mothering virtues” and honesty. Finally, the last set of articles draws our attention to different applications of virtue ethics within the realm of education, bioethics, and environmentalism. |
Contents |
Bruno Nobre and João Carlos Onofre Pinto, “Presentation – Virtue Ethics: Contemporary Perspectives,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 17–22, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0017.
PART I: Foundations
Alfredo Marcos, “La ética de la virtud más allá de las modas,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 25–48, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0025.
Margarita Mauri, “Neovirtud: las insuficiencias de la recuperación de un concepto,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 49–60, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0049.
Ramon Das, “Virtue Ethics and the Concept of Action,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 61–74, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0061.
Bruno Niederbacher, “Exemplarist Virtue Theory and the Kant Complaint,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 75–92, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0075.
Rafael Rodrigues Pereira, “A ética das virtudes e a distinção entre moralidade e felicidade,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 93–124, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0093.
Jesús Conill, “¿Educación en virtudes o biomejora neuroética?,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 125–46, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0125.
PART II: Historical Perspectives
Tom Angier, “Happiness as Subjective Well-Being: An Aristotelian Critique,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 149–80, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0149.
Francisco Moraes and Mário Maximo, “Aristóteles e o argumento da obra ou função do homem,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 181–208, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0181.
Christopher Turner, “Trouble in Paradise: Aristotle’s Ideal Polis & Political Exclusion,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 209–36, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0209.
Benjamin Hole, “Minimum Circumstances Necessary for Virtue and Happiness,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 237–60, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0237.
Julie Loveland Swanstrom, “Aquinas and Virtue Acquisition in Secondary Causes,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 261–82, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0261.
PART III: Mapping Out Unexplored Virtues
José Manuel Beato, “O Cuidado Como Virtude: um Diálogo Entre a Ética das Virtudes e a Ética do Cuidado,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 285–318, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0285.
Nafsika Athanassoulis, “Mothering Virtues,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 319–42, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0319.
Christian B. Miller, “Honesty and Dishonesty: Unpacking Two Character Traits Neglected by Philosophers,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 343–62, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0343. PART IV: Applied Virtue Ethics
Anderson Machado R. Alves and Renato José de Moraes, “Educação, formação na virtude e na liberdade: a proposta da tradição aristotélica,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 365–84, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0365.
Xabier Etxeberria, “Una aproximación a la bioética desde su perspectiva aretológica,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 385–408, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0385.
Paul J. Medeiros, “Modeling Virtuous Environmentalism and Health Care,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 409–30, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0409.
Francisco José de Jesus Oliveira, “Richard Dawkins e o Novo Ateísmo. Uma Leitura Crítica,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 433–54, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0433.
José Carlos Miranda, “A natura vel a lege: O Instituto da Servidão e a Sociedade Neo-esclavagista no Ensino Ético-jurídico de Cosme de Magalhães, SJ (1551-1624),” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 455–78, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0455.
Book Reviews
Manuel Lencastre Cardoso, “Book Review - Interpreting Hobbes’s Political Philosophy,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 481–90, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0481.
Ricardo Barroso Batista, “Book Review - The Metaphysics of Representation,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 491–96, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0491.
Luís Gabriel Provinciatto, “Book Review - Negação e poder: do desafio do niilismo ao perigo da tecnologia,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 497–502, https://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0497. |