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La fenomenologia e il Dio in questione. Note su una querelle (francese) contemporanea

La fenomenologia e il Dio in questione. Note su una querelle (francese) contemporanea

Carla Canullo, “La fenomenologia e il Dio in questione. Note su una querelle (francese) contemporanea,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 2–3 (2020): 529–52,

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  • La fenomenologia e il Dio in questione. Note su una querelle (francese) contemporanea

    Type Journal Article
    Author Carla Canullo
    Rights © 2020 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 76
    Issue 2-3
    Pages 529-552
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283
    Date 2020
    Extra Phenomenology and God in Question. Notes on a Contemporary (French) Controversy
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2020_76_2_0529
    Language Italian
    Abstract Although addressing the question of “phenomenology and theology” after Heidegger is not obvious or easy, some French philosophers, who claim through their work belonging to phenomenology, have reopened the “question of God”. A question that, even in Husserl, was not completely closed or clarified. The present study, based on the work of the founder of phenomenology, investigates the way in which this question arises in the works of Husserl himself, in French Phenomenology and how the “affaire théologique” is an irreducible matter.
    Date Added 7/28/2020, 10:07:26 PM
    Modified 7/28/2020, 10:14:00 PM


    • transcendence
    • Edmund Husserl,
    • epoché,
    • french phenomenology,
    • question of God,


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