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O Harrowing of Hell entre uma ‘trilogia «inglesa»’ e George MacDonald

O Harrowing of Hell entre uma ‘trilogia «inglesa»’ e George MacDonald

Alexandre Freire Duarte, “O Harrowing of Hell entre uma ‘trilogia «inglesa»’ e George MacDonald,” Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades 24, no. 1–2 (2020): 213–38.

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  • O Harrowing of Hell entre uma ‘trilogia «inglesa»’ e George MacDonald

    Type Journal Article
    Author Alexandre Freire Duarte
    Rights © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Volume 24
    Issue 1-2
    Pages 213-238
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades
    ISSN 0874-0321
    Date 2020
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract This quite polyhedral article begins, after the laying down of its objectives, with a succinct presentation of the most relevant information, about Jesus Christ’s ‘harrowing of hell’, that is present in three important works of ‘English’ literature which, while also addressing such event, cover a time span of about eight hundred years. Posteriorly, it is exposed a brief set of, sometimes quite problematic, issues that these texts disclose, explicitly or implicitly, about the aforementioned Christological event. Finally, and in an attempt to bring forward a possible theological global scenario that conveys a feasible broader response to such topics, this essay addresses what George MacDonald asserts about what, according to him, can legitimately be said as the agapological contours of Jesus’ descent ad inferos.
    Date Added 12/15/2020, 9:34:23 PM
    Modified 12/15/2020, 10:01:38 PM


    • Christ and Satan,
    • english literature,
    • George MacDonald,
    • York’s Corpus Christy misteria


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