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Ser Humano: Ser Corpo em Transformação Divina na Relação Educativa

Ser Humano: Ser Corpo em Transformação Divina na Relação Educativa

Paulo Duarte, “Ser Humano: Ser Corpo em Transformação Divina na Relação Educativa,” in Pedagogia em Tempos Incertos, Pedagogia 3 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2020), 171–82,

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  • Ser Humano: Ser Corpo em Transformação Divina na Relação Educativa

    Type Book Section
    Author Paulo Duarte
    Rights © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Series Pedagogia
    Place Braga
    Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
    Pages 171-182
    ISBN 978-972-697-329-4
    Date 2020
    Series Number 3
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract The body, as a field of study, is fundamental for understanding the human being. In an educational context, the relationship (with others) is essential to transmitting knowledge and wisdom. However, the process of learning takes place, not only at a cognitive level, but at multiple dimensions of which a person is comprised: biological, psychological, rational, social and spiritual.  This article aims to expand horizons regarding the integration of the body and the relationship within pedagogy, empowering both the educator and the student to contribute to a more humanized world, based on Christian values and the Ignatian spirituality. The article is divided into two parts: the theoretical framework and its practical application, followed by the conclusion.
    Book Title Pedagogia em Tempos Incertos
    Date Added 12/21/2020, 7:08:54 PM
    Modified 12/21/2020, 7:17:50 PM


    • body, embodiment, relation, pedagogy, spirituality, theology.


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