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A Autossuficiência do Bem. Sobre alguns Paradoxos da Ética Aristotélica

A Autossuficiência do Bem. Sobre alguns Paradoxos da Ética Aristotélica

Paulo Butti de Lima, “A Autossuficiência do Bem. Sobre alguns Paradoxos da Ética Aristotélica,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 77, no. 1 (2021): 121–42,

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  • A Autossuficiência do Bem. Sobre alguns Paradoxos da Ética Aristotélica

    Type Journal Article
    Author Paulo Butti de Lima
    Rights © 2021 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 77
    Issue 1
    Pages 121-142
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283
    Date 2021
    Extra The Self-sufficiency of Good. On Some Paradoxes in Aristotle’s Ethics
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2021_77_1_0121
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract In the first book of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle describes the Good as perfect (teleion) and self-sufficient (autarkes). He adds that the notion of self-sufficiency (autarkeia) must be considered not from the point of view of the single man, but of the community. This argument seems incoherent: is self-sufficiency to be attributed to the Good or to the community? In order to answer this question, we can ask initially if it is the same to say that the Good or the community is self-sufficient. Secondly, if the individual is not self-sufficient, how could he search by himself the self-sufficient Good, without having to follow what is determined by the community? Aristotle, in his ethical treatises and in Politics, is concerned with the relation between self-sufficiency (autarkeia), and community (koinonia). But the philosopher tries to show, in his Ethics, that there can be an ideal of self-sufficiency for each human being, independently or in spite of his life in the polis. The aim of this paper is to discuss the meaning and relevance of the reference to autarkeia, in the first book of Nicomachean Ethics, to the Aristotelian view on the practical Good.
    Date Added 4/29/2021, 12:33:07 AM
    Modified 4/29/2021, 11:27:25 AM


    • Aristotle, good, perfection, political community, self-sufficiency.


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