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A Ética do Limite em Eugenio Trías: a Inteligência Prática como Condição para o Alcance da Felicidade

A Ética do Limite em Eugenio Trías: a Inteligência Prática como Condição para o Alcance da Felicidade

Samuel Dimas, “A Ética do Limite em Eugenio Trías: a Inteligência Prática como Condição para o Alcance da Felicidade,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 1–2 (2022): 499–524,

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A Ética do Limite em Eugenio Trías: a Inteligência Prática como Condição para o Alcance da Felicidade

Type Journal Article
Author Samuel Dimas
Rights © 2022 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Volume 78
Issue 1-2
Pages 499-524
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
Date 2022
Extra The Ethics of the Limit in Eugenio Trías: Practical Intelligence as a Condition for the Attainment of Happiness
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2022_78_1_0499
Language Portuguese
Abstract The philosophy of Eugenio Trías contains reflections on the practical usage of reason that seeks conciliation between the universality and unconditionality of the ethical imperative and the existential particularity of the free and responsible response to this transcendental proposal that is revealed through the voice of the conscience. Against the acritical and dogmatic positions of myth and of pure reason and against the cultural relativisms of historical reason, he proposes a symbolical rationality through the mediation between the physical reality and the metaphysical reality that establishes the terms of conciliation between heteronomy and moral autonomy. The desire for a good and happy life is satisfied not in the totalitarian utopias of liberal individualism and despotic collectivism or the illusory eschatologies of myth and superstition but rather in the just measuring of the limited condition of humans on the threshold between the natural world of appearance and the supernatural world of mystery.
Date Added 7/30/2022, 10:18:56 PM
Modified 7/30/2022, 11:12:14 PM


  • ethical imperative, ethics of the limit, Eugenio Trías human condition, moral autonomy and heteronomy.


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