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La questione del male nella filosofia di Edith Stein. Politica, etica e metafisica

La questione del male nella filosofia di Edith Stein. Politica, etica e metafisica

Angela Ales Bello, “La questione del male nella filosofia di Edith Stein. Politica, etica e metafisica,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 1–2 (2022): 297–312,

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  • La questione del male nella filosofia di Edith Stein. Politica, etica e metafisica

    Type Journal Article
    Author Angela Ales Bello
    Rights © 2022 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 78
    Issue 1-2
    Pages 297-312
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date 2022
    Extra The Question of Evil in the Philosophy of Edith Stein. Politics, Ethics and Metaphysics
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2022_78_1_0297
    Language Italian
    Abstract In my paper I suggest to begin “von unten”, from the human associations, particularly the political ones in which we live every day and that we consider positive or negative, as Edith Stein wrote in her work “On the State”. In order to understand the meaning of our judgments on good and evil it is necessary to go deeper and to explore the origin of evil in an ethical, metaphysical and religious sense. Therefore, I start from the analysis of Edith Stein’s essential description of community and in particular the one which is at the basis of the State in order to discover the difficulties to build a State according to its essential structure because of the ethical evil. According to Stein to understand the birth and the meaning of this kind of evil and of evil in general it is necessary to go on as far as the metaphysical comprehension of it as she explains in Finite and Eternal Being.
    Date Added 7/30/2022, 10:18:46 PM
    Modified 7/30/2022, 10:57:23 PM


    • Edith Stein, ethics, evil, metaphysics, politics.


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