Shestov, anti-discípulo de Husserl
Ángel Viñas Vera, “Shestov, anti-discípulo de Husserl,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 3 (2022): 917–52,
Ángel Viñas Vera, “Shestov, anti-discípulo de Husserl,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 3 (2022): 917–52,
Type | Journal Article |
Author | Ángel Viñas Vera |
Rights | © 2022 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia |
Volume | 78 |
Issue | 3 |
Pages | 917-952 |
Publication | Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia |
ISSN | 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X |
Date | 2022 |
Extra | Shestov, Husserl’s Anti-disciple |
DOI | 10.17990/RPF/2022_78_3_0917 |
Language | Spanish |
Abstract | Shestov is at the beginning of the French reception of Husserl. The first criticism of his approach was made by the Russian thinker. He considered his master Husserl the greatest philosopher of his time and, paradoxically, claimed that he was wrong in his theory of truth. This research shows the relationship between Shestov and Husserl, the dialogues they had and the ideas they shared. In doing so, we show an atypical and heterodox Husserlian, an original philosopher who opened up lines of thought for those of us today who want to continue the dialogue with Husserl beyond Husserl. The idea of philosophy will be at the root of their encounters and disagreements. In it are concentrated capital themes of Husserlian thought such as truth, intuition and evidence. This research exposes the critical arguments of Shestov’s thought to Husserlian thought while recognising the audacity of the founder of phenomenology. Shestov’s dialogue with Husserl, or at least with what he considers to be Husserlian thought, enriches current debates on the relation between the real and the ideal, the genetic, intersubjectivity and the relation between the particular and the universal. |
Date Added | 8/11/2022, 9:35:18 PM |
Modified | 8/11/2022, 9:54:08 PM |
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