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A Importância dos Modelos para o Florescimento Humano. O Contributo de Dietrich von Hildebrand

A Importância dos Modelos para o Florescimento Humano. O Contributo de Dietrich von Hildebrand

Eugénio Lopes, “A Importância dos Modelos para o Florescimento Humano. O Contributo de Dietrich von Hildebrand,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 3 (2022): 797–824,

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  • A Importância dos Modelos para o Florescimento Humano. O Contributo de Dietrich von Hildebrand

    Type Journal Article
    Author Eugénio Lopes
    Rights © 2022 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 78
    Issue 3
    Pages 797-824
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date 2022
    Extra The Importance of Models for Human Flourishing. The Contribution of Dietrich von Hildebrand
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2022_78_3_0797
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract Today, more than ever, we talk constantly about a crisis of values. However, this crisis is also associated with the lack or rather the bad conception of models, the great promoters of values in societies. Thus, in this article, I intend to analyze the conception of a model, using, in particular, the thought of the realist phenomenologist, Dietrich von Hildebrand, and how it is important to guarantee human flourishing and social development. For this, I will initially distinguish two types of experiences in the human person. After that, I will analyze the values and primary vocation of every human person. Subsequently, I will approach the conception of the model and his influence on his follower. Then I’ll analyze the love relationship between the model and his follower. Finally, I will focus on the connection between religion and models.
    Date Added 8/11/2022, 9:35:14 PM
    Modified 8/11/2022, 9:46:21 PM


    • Dietrich von Hildebrand, human experiences, love, models, values, vocation.


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