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Il diritto umano all’ospitalità sinodale: oltre la contrapposizione tra demos ed ethnos nell’era della globalizzazione

Il diritto umano all’ospitalità sinodale: oltre la contrapposizione tra demos ed ethnos nell’era della globalizzazione

Gianfranco Longo and Sergio Salles, “Il diritto umano all’ospitalità sinodale: oltre la contrapposizione tra demos ed ethnos nell’era della globalizzazione,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 4 (2022): 1561–1614,

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  • Il diritto umano all’ospitalità sinodale: oltre la contrapposizione tra demos ed ethnos nell’era della globalizzazione

    Type Journal Article
    Author Gianfranco Longo
    Author Sergio Salles
    Abstract The recognition of self as other and others as self continues to be one of the greatest challenges to the ethos necessary for institutions, public and private, engaged in hospitality. Indeed, hospitality is an intrinsic part of the recognition of the common and communal bond in which each human person can rediscover a sense of belonging and his or her own specific creaturality, the fruit of mutual and diverse encounters in the relationship between peoples and among peoples. Inspired by papal words and documents, as well as philosophical and political debates of jus, here we defend the value of experiences of mutual bonds of memory and humanitarian revelation, in which a clear distinction between demos and ethnos can be established. By questioning globalization in its economic and financial promises, unrelated to human dignity and hospitality, it reveals how paths to peace are sustained by the synodal consolidation of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Thus, a distinction must be made between claims of ethnic recognition, on the one hand, and the promises of global recognition of civil rights and pseudo-cultural acquisitions, which have in recent years risen to legal protection and political guarantee; on the other hand, it is pointed out that true recognition of the human person as constituted in a relational, social and community dignity is only beyond the economic-financial constraints of globalization.
    Date 2022
    Language Italian
    Rights © 2022 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Extra The Human Right to Synodal Hospitality: beyond the Opposition between Demos and Ethnos in the Age of Globalization
    Volume 78
    Pages 1561-1614
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2022_78_4_1561
    Issue 4
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date Added 1/31/2023, 5:41:25 PM
    Modified 1/31/2023, 7:47:35 PM


    • demos, ethnos, globalization, human rights, synodal nomos.


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