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O Serviço como Pedagogia: Uma Experiência de Desenvolvimento Moral e Educação para a Cidadania

O Serviço como Pedagogia: Uma Experiência de Desenvolvimento Moral e Educação para a Cidadania

Cristina Sá Carvalho, “O Serviço como Pedagogia: Uma Experiência de Desenvolvimento Moral e Educação para a Cidadania para o Ensino Básico e Secundário,” in Educação, Justiça e Direitos Humanos: Num Mundo Em Transformação, ed. Carlos V. Estêvão et al., Axioma Series in Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education 4 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2023), 277–98,

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O Serviço como Pedagogia: Uma Experiência de Desenvolvimento Moral e Educação para a Cidadania para o Ensino Básico e Secundário

Item Type Book Section
Editor Carlos V. Estêvão
Editor José Manuel Martins Lopes
Editor Ana Paula Pinto
Editor Artur Ilharco Galvão
Editor João Carlos Onofre Pinto
Editor Maria José Ferreira Lopes
Editor Paulo C. Dias
Author Cristina Sá Carvalho
Abstract The weakening of democracies and the changes introduced in the transmission of values ​​resulting from the phenomenon of globalization and digital culture, stand for education challenges, mostly regarding the person developmental processes and the transmission of common democratic values. The issue of moral maturity is called upon, both by the development of reason and by emotional maturation needs. Taking fraternity as the reference frame and the UNESCO Report (2021), Reimagining our futures together. The new social contract for education point of view, Service Learning emerges as a valuable, experiential and reflective pedagogical instrument, able to promote, as seen in Dewey’s educational model, a democratic and integral development of each person and the society democratization. It provides the adequate requisites we demand to actively respond to the need for a comprehensive culture of care, reciprocity and solidarity. These are dimensions of moral maturity, as found in Piaget’s perspective of affective development, and that Service Learning consistently promotes, providing adolescents with the most desirable fraternity ethical awareness.
Date 2023
Language Portuguese
Rights © 2023 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
Place Braga
Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
ISBN 978-972-697-364-5
Pages 277-298
Series Axioma Series in Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education
Series Number 4
Book Title Educação, Justiça e Direitos Humanos: Num Mundo Em Transformação
Date Added 9/14/2023, 10:06:03 PM
Modified 9/14/2023, 11:21:32 PM


  • democracy, education, fraternity, moral development, service learning.


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