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Entre a Lógica do Direito e o Sentido do Humano: A Cultura dos Direitos Humanos como Forma de Vida

Entre a Lógica do Direito e o Sentido do Humano: A Cultura dos Direitos Humanos como Forma de Vida

João J. Vila-Chã, “Entre a Lógica do Direito e o Sentido do Humano: A Cultura dos Direitos Humanos como Forma de Vida,” in Educação, Justiça e Direitos Humanos: Num Mundo Em Transformação, ed. Carlos V. Estêvão et al., Axioma Series in Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education 4 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2023), 91–144,

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  • Entre a Lógica do Direito e o Sentido do Humano: A Cultura dos Direitos Humanos como Forma de Vida

    Item Type Book Section
    Editor Carlos V. Estêvão
    Editor José Manuel Martins Lopes
    Editor Ana Paula Pinto
    Editor Artur Ilharco Galvão
    Editor João Carlos Onofre Pinto
    Editor Maria José Ferreira Lopes
    Editor Paulo C. Dias
    Author João J. Vila-Chã
    Abstract On December 10, 1948, in Paris, under the aegis of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed. This is one of the most significant documents of the juridical framework destined to govern the human family worldwide. The proclamation made 75 years ago constitutes a legal act of enormous importance and, for this very reason, it is urgent that we continue to remember and to study it. But we also need to discern some of the unjustified and dangerous deviations that, even in the name of a notion such as Human Rights, can be made, and so often have been done, of the Rule of Law and the prescriptions of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights since 1948. The present contribution tries to elucidate the following three main points of interrogation: I. What is meant by Human Rights? II. Is there an archaeology, or a culture, of Human Rights? III. How can we justify the mission of human rights education? The problematization we propose of the discourse on Human Rights essentially involves recognizing the historical as well as ontological danger associated with the dissociation, rhetorical and otherwise, between Law and Responsibility within the predominant legal cultures of our time.
    Date 2023
    Language Portuguese
    Rights © 2023 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Place Braga
    Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
    ISBN 978-972-697-364-5
    Pages 91-144
    Series Axioma Series in Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education
    Series Number 4
    Book Title Educação, Justiça e Direitos Humanos: Num Mundo Em Transformação
    Date Added 9/14/2023, 10:05:50 PM
    Modified 9/14/2023, 11:05:33 PM


    • Bill of Rights, Declaration of the Rights of Man, Human Rights, Magna Carta, Roman Law, Universal Declaration of Human Rights


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