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Metáforas conceptuais em intervenções políticas portuguesas: o caso das mensagens de natal

Metáforas conceptuais em intervenções políticas portuguesas: o caso das mensagens de natal

Sara Topete de Oliveira Pita, «Metáforas conceptuais em intervenções políticas portuguesas: o caso das mensagens de natal», Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades 27, n.o 1–2 (2023): 147–70,

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Metáforas conceptuais em intervenções políticas portuguesas: o caso das mensagens de natal

Item Type Journal Article
Author Sara Topete de Oliveira Pita
Abstract Conceptual metaphors are pervasive in all social activities and Politics is no exception. They are anchored in human experiences; in other words, they result from a cognitive process of transferring the structures of one conceptual domain to another. Although some metaphors are already well known to the public, others are still opaque, hindering communication between citizens and politicians. In this article, it is sought to open the book of metaphors in the political field, from the analysis of a corpus composed of Christmas Messages, released between 2012 and 2023. It is intended to identify the metaphors, reflect on their regularity over time and their relationship with the discursive ethos. It is a fact that, in political interactions, the subject assumes himself as an argumentator, seeking to exert influence on the other not only with his arguments, but also his ethos and this, in my view, may emerge from the metaphors he uses.
Date 2023
Language Portuguese
Rights © 2023 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
Extra Conceptual Metaphors in Portuguese Political Interventions: The Case of Christmas Messages
Volume 27
Pages 147-170
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades
DOI 10.17990/RPH/2023_27_1_147
Issue 1-2
ISSN 0874-0321
Date Added 12/30/2023, 7:42:15 PM
Modified 12/30/2023, 7:56:42 PM


  • conceptual metaphor, ethos, political speeches, Portugal


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