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Do sertão do brabo à cidade. Obediência e liberdade, ousadia, coragem e a metafísica da vontade em O Sargento Getúlio

Do sertão do brabo à cidade. Obediência e liberdade, ousadia, coragem e a metafísica da vontade em O Sargento Getúlio

Suzi Frankl Sperber, «Do sertão do brabo à cidade. Obediência e liberdade, ousadia, coragem e a metafísica da vontade em O Sargento Getúlio», Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades 27, n.o 1–2 (2023): 109–30,

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  • Do sertão do brabo à cidade. Obediência e liberdade, ousadia, coragem e a metafísica da vontade em O Sargento Getúlio

    Item Type Journal Article
    Author Suzi Frankl Sperber
    Abstract Innovative novel-monologue due to its language, structure and revision of the figure of the militia gunman, Sergeant Getúlio brings together rural and urban aspects. Violent, cruel, dominated by the politician who elevated him to the status of sergeant, Getúlio fulfills his role: taking Paulo Afonso’s prisoner to Barra de Coqueiros. The narrative is a Bildungsroman, as Getúlio – invisible since the beginning – discovers and ends up asserting his identity – and freedom, which costs him his life. Or: the Author informs that it is an aretê story. Our task is to understand, verify and explain the nobility, moderation and self-control of a rude, extremely violent henchman – and how this is explained in the socio-economic context of Brazilian colonization and domination. The notion of Metaphysics of Will, a concept by Schopenhauer, helps us.
    Date 2023
    Language Portuguese
    Rights © 2023 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Extra From the Sertão do Brabo to the City. Obedience and Freedom, Daring, Courage, and the Metaphysics of Will in The Sergeant Getulio
    Volume 27
    Pages 109-130
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades
    DOI 10.17990/RPH/2023_27_1_109
    Issue 1-2
    ISSN 0874-0321
    Date Added 12/30/2023, 7:42:12 PM
    Modified 12/30/2023, 7:53:03 PM


    • bildungsroman, invisibility, metaphysics of will, Sergeant Getúlio, survive and let survive


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