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Violência e Finanças no Mediterrâneo Antigo: Alguns dos Conflitos Sociais e Políticos do Final da República Romana

Violência e Finanças no Mediterrâneo Antigo: Alguns dos Conflitos Sociais e Políticos do Final da República Romana

Ian Cartaxo, «Violência e Finanças no Mediterrâneo Antigo: Alguns dos Conflitos Sociais e Políticos do Final da República Romana», Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades 27, n.o 1–2 (2023): 13–34,

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  • Violência e Finanças no Mediterrâneo Antigo: Alguns dos Conflitos Sociais e Políticos do Final da República Romana

    Item Type Journal Article
    Author Ian Cartaxo
    Abstract The following article intends to present considerations concerning the social function of indebtedness, as was used in the Late Republic by Roman dominant elites to perpetuate their control over the Ancient Mediterranean. We seek to demonstrate that “financial intermediation” was an apparatus conveyed by members of the roman elites to “legitimize” their political and financial use of indebtedness which we comprehend as social domination, that is, the usage of cultural – ideological – elements and of violence to perpetuate their control over that social formation.
    Date 2023
    Language Portuguese
    Rights © 2023 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Extra Violence and Finances in the Ancient Mediterranean: A Few Social and Political Conflicts of the Late Roman Republic
    Volume 27
    Pages 13-34
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades
    DOI 10.17990/RPH/2023_27_1_013
    Issue 1-2
    ISSN 0874-0321
    Date Added 12/30/2023, 7:42:05 PM
    Modified 12/30/2023, 7:46:56 PM


    • ancient Rome, domination, financial intermediation, ideology


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