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Critical Theory and Ideology Critique

Critical Theory and Ideology Critique

Christian Garland, “Critical Theory and Ideology Critique, the Weapons of Marx to Expose Material Reality as Mystified Unreality of the Authoritarian and Populist Moment,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80, no. 1–2 (2024): 73–94,

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  • Critical Theory and ideology critique, the weapons of Marx to expose material reality as mystified unreality of the authoritarian and populist moment

    Item Type Journal Article
    Author Christian Garland
    Abstract In our present early Twenty-First Century epoch, in bold contradistinction with the 1989-91 end of the Cold War and subsequent reassurances of the 90s, that ‘The End of History’ had arrived, the past decade has seen the rise of populism and authoritarian would-be leaders worldwide. Similarly, both nationalism and outright fascism have once again become credible threats, whilst ‘the left’ has largely failed to respond or offer feasible answers to multiplying social problems. This belated and misfiring reaction to capitalism in crisis, simply the year: 2008 will give all that is needed to explain what is being referred to. What has occupied the energies of substantial sections of populations angry at elites seemingly operating as usual and the same limited and fatally flawed system continuing as before. Those individuals and institutions who helped it teeter on the brink of terminal failure, were able to profit from this whilst populations suffered as states socialized debt making society pay with austerity measures. This left a power vacuum to which any adequate response was noticeably lacking. From 2016, and the date bookends the year in which populism and authoritarian leaders ‘first appeared’, the wave of similar populist reaction has continued globally. Part of this has been the contention over what constitutes ‘the truth’ and facts themselves and misinformation, disinformation and ‘fake news’ continue to persist as serious problems. The bigger issue it might be argued is the implication that these methods can be used to attain power, either political or in any other sphere: a secondary and no less alarming problem also covered by this essay. Explicating a materialist analysis of what exactly the problem and threats populism and authoritarianism embody, and ‘where they came from’, the essay is most heavily influenced by the dissident and unorthodox Marxism of the Institut für Sozialforschung (Institute for Social Research). This paper takes as its subject the weapons of Marx and the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory to critically analyze the concept of Ideology Critique, and how Marx and Marxism remain the ‘bad conscience of philosophy’. It also applies takes as its subject the concept of ideology critique to the unnerving predominance of right-wing and authoritarian narratives, still very much vying for political power in 2024.
    Date 2024
    Language English
    Rights © 2024 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Volume 80
    Pages 73-94
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2024_80_1_0073
    Issue 1-2
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date Added 7/31/2024, 10:59:44 PM
    Modified 7/31/2024, 11:05:01 PM


    • disinformation, ideology, ideology critique, materialism, unreality.


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