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‘O que em mim pensa, está sentindo’: considerações sobre a hermenêutica de Eduardo Lourenço

‘O que em mim pensa, está sentindo’: considerações sobre a hermenêutica de Eduardo Lourenço

Ettore Finazzi-Agrò, “‘O que em mim pensa, está sentindo’: considerações sobre a hermenêutica de Eduardo Lourenço,” Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades 28, no. 1–2 (2024): 15–22,

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  • “O que em mim pensa, está sentindo”: considerações sobre a hermenêutica de Eduardo Lourenço

    Item Type Journal Article
    Author Ettore Finazzi-Agrò
    Abstract In Eduardo Lourenco’s immense essayistic production, my text looks for the places where the desire to lucidly analyze the errors and flaws of national history is combined with the passionate dedication to his role as interpreter of the most heterodox and, at the same time, most striking figures of the Portuguese cultural panorama. Because it’s in this swing between rejection and acceptance of “Portugal as destiny”, it’s in this incessant movement between reason and passion, it’s in this continuous alternance between estrangement and entrancement that it’s possible to assess the profound and dissonant dialectic governing his hermeneutic commitment and allowing him to inhabit the distance that separates and unites him, without remedy, to his land of origin.
    Date 2024
    Language Portuguese
    Rights © 2024 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Extra “What in me Thinks, is Feeling”: Considerations on Eduardo Lourenço’s Hermeneutics
    Volume 28
    Pages 15-22
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades
    DOI 10.17990/RPH/2024_28_1_015
    Issue 1-2
    ISSN 0874-0321
    Date Added 12/30/2024, 6:45:46 PM
    Modified 12/30/2024, 6:49:46 PM


    • Eduardo Lourenço, longing and destiny, portuguese history, saudade.


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      Lourenço, Eduardo. A Nau de Ícaro seguido de Imagem e Miragem da Lusofonia. 3ª ed. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2004.

      Lourenço, Eduardo. O Labirinto da Saudade. 24ª ed. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2023.

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      Lourenço, Eduardo. Portugal como Destino seguido de Mitologia da Saudade. 7ª ed. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2022.

      Vecchi, Roberto. “Posfazione.” In Il labirinto della saudade. Portogallo come destino, by Eduardo Lourenço, 202–204. Parma: Diabasis, 2006.


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