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Educação Sexual e para os Afetos: Retratos da Infância de quem viveu em Residências de Acolhimento

Educação Sexual e para os Afetos: Retratos da Infância de quem viveu em Residências de Acolhimento

Judite Cruz et al., «Educação Sexual e para os Afetos: Retratos da Infância de quem viveu em Residências de Acolhimento», em Novos Desafios, Novas Competências: Contributos Atuais da Psicologia, ed. Paulo C. Dias et al., Psicologia 7 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2016), 209–30, DOI 10.17990/Axi/2016_9789726972679_209

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Educação Sexual e para os Afetos: Retratos da Infância de quem viveu em Residências de Acolhimento

Type Book Section
Editor Paulo C. Dias
Editor Armanda Gonçalves
Editor Ângela Azevedo
Editor Fátima Lobo
Author Judite Cruz
Author Ana Fernandes
Author Júlio Gomes
Author Zélia Anastácio
Rights © 2016 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
Series Psicologia
Place Braga
Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
Pages 209-230
ISBN 978-972-697-267-9
Date 2016
Series Number 7
Language Portuguese
Abstract The present work was focused on the problems of children and young people from dysfunctional families where they were exposed to threatening contexts for their health and physical and emotional integrity. The overall objective was to understand conceptions and phenomena associated with the affective-sexual behaviors of young people who have lived in host institutions, in order to create structures that encourage the acquisition of personal and social skills. To intervene on this issue an action-research methodology was followed. In the diagnostic phase semi-structured interviews were conducted and guided by a script. Questions about affiliations and sexuality and affection have been raised and reports of significant experiences of young adults were collected. We interviewed 5 ex-residents in host institutions of children and youth (LIJ), of both sexes (3 boys and 2 girls) aged between 18 and 24 years. Data obtained by interviews were subjected to discourse analysis, being a priori analysis categories based on the content of the questions. The results obtained should be noted that none of the participants said full reasons for their institutionalization, ignoring or rejecting the adversity and mistreatment/abuse suffered in their childhood. Youth perception about the dialogues adults held with the girls was that it differed from those established with the boys, talking with girls about “menstruation” and “body issues” (with marked concern about pregnancy) and discussing with boys about sex and disease prevention. Without reports about relationships and intimacy/confidence, it seems urgent that adults of reference be able to discuss feelings and emotions and to assist young people in decision-making and in seeking resolution to their affective-sexual problems.
Book Title Novos Desafios, Novas Competências: Contributos Atuais da Psicologia
Date Added 21/12/2016, 17:41:03
Modified 22/12/2016, 10:35:22


  • affectivity
  • Sex Education
  • training and development of professionals


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