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Visão dos profissionais sobre as relações de vinculação no contexto institucional

Visão dos profissionais sobre as relações de vinculação no contexto institucional

Alice Lopes e Judite Cruz, «Visão dos profissionais sobre as relações de vinculação no contexto institucional», em Novos Desafios, Novas Competências: Contributos Atuais da Psicologia, ed. Paulo C. Dias et al., Psicologia 7 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2016), 189–208, DOI 10.17990/Axi/2016_9789726972679_189

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  • Visão dos profissionais sobre as relações de vinculação no contexto institucional

    Type Book Section
    Editor Paulo C. Dias
    Editor Armanda Gonçalves
    Editor Ângela Azevedo
    Editor Fátima Lobo
    Author Alice Lopes
    Author Judite Cruz
    Rights © 2016 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Series Psicologia
    Place Braga
    Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
    Pages 189-208
    ISBN 978-972-697-267-9
    Date 2016
    Series Number 7
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract Children and adolescents are taken to households by sexual abuse, mistreatment and neglect of parents or relatives, or death of the parents. For these reasons they are referenced at risk/danger by services such as the Committees on Children and Youth Protection (CPCJ) and placed, in particular, in Foster Care Homes. In Northern Portugal - Braga, according to type of danger, provided by CPCJ-Braga, were recorded 241 adverse circumstances for mandatory separation of parents, only in 2012. The qualitative research, initial and exploratory, by Study Cases Method (Yin, 2005), with eleven semi-structured interviews, standardized and open-ended questions, had the main objective of knowing the perceptions of professionals from three Foster Care Homes, designated as institution C (mixed), D institution (for boys), and institution E (for girls). The questions were raised about the psychosocial care, to areas such as care procedures, interventions and meanings of care: shared affections, children rights, and future. Through Content Analysis (Bardin, 2008; Cohen et al., 2007) we obtained answers in relation to bonds between adults and children/youth (Bowlby, 1988), difficult individualization of youth people educated in larges groups, norms of organizational functioning, and monitoring for adults, focused on elected relationships, and educational changes for vulnerable youth.
    Book Title Novos Desafios, Novas Competências: Contributos Atuais da Psicologia
    Date Added 21/12/2016, 17:41:02
    Modified 22/12/2016, 10:32:00


    • attachment
    • children/youth
    • Foster Care Homes
    • technicians and educators


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