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“Eu e a minha PHDA”: Resultados da implementação de um programa de intervenção com adolescentes

“Eu e a minha PHDA”: Resultados da implementação de um programa de intervenção com adolescentes

Céu Henriques, Paulo C. Dias, e Sónia Dias, «“Eu e a minha PHDA”: Resultados da implementação de um programa de intervenção com adolescentes», em Novos Desafios, Novas Competências: Contributos Atuais da Psicologia, ed. Paulo C. Dias et al., Psicologia 7 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2016), 111–26, DOI 10.17990/Axi/2016_9789726972679_111

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“Eu e a minha PHDA”: Resultados da implementação de um programa de intervenção com adolescentes

Type Book Section
Editor Paulo C. Dias
Editor Armanda Gonçalves
Editor Ângela Azevedo
Editor Fátima Lobo
Author Céu Henriques
Author Paulo C. Dias
Author Sónia Dias
Rights © 2016 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
Series Psicologia
Place Braga
Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
Pages 111-126
ISBN 978-972-697-267-9
Date 2016
Series Number 7
Language Portuguese
Abstract Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly detected disorders in childhood. Estimates that it affects about 5% of school-age children (e.g.: Selikowitz, 2010). The classic symptoms, characterized by a triad of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, may lead to learning difficulties and behavioral disorders but also other harmful implications for family life, school achievement and peer relationships. Thus, we understand the need for developing proper intervention toward this population, involving family and the school community as much as possible. In this sense, this paper presents the pilot evaluation of a program, called “Me and my ADHD”, developed for a group of adolescents with ADHD, in a school in Braga city. The program comprised nine sessions to be held with students, three with parents and with teachers. In order to evaluate the impact of the program, it was used as a measure of pre- and post-test the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Portuguese version – SDQ-por (SDQinf, 2005) for young people, and there has been an improvement trend in some subscales apart of a positive perception of the effect of the program by the parents and teachers. Based on the program outlined and the results, we discuss the data and its limitations.
Book Title Novos Desafios, Novas Competências: Contributos Atuais da Psicologia
Date Added 21/12/2016, 17:40:55
Modified 22/12/2016, 10:16:03


  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
  • intervention
  • school context


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