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La ética de la virtud más allá de las modas

La ética de la virtud más allá de las modas

Alfredo Marcos, “La ética de la virtud más allá de las modas,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 1 (2020): 25–48,

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La ética de la virtud más allá de las modas

Type Journal Article
Author Alfredo Marcos
Rights © 2020 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Volume 76
Issue 1
Pages 25-48
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
ISSN 0870-5283
Date 2020
Extra Translated Title: Virtue Ethics Beyond Fashions
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2020_76_1_0025
Language Spanish
Abstract In recent years, Virtue Ethics (VE) has gained an eminent presence in the philosophical arena, which is, in my opinion, a very positive fact. If it runs now any risk, it is to become another intellectual fad, a trending topic as successful today as ephemeral for tomorrow. I make here three proposals in order to avoid this risk. To begin with, it is essential to highlight the historical continuity of VE (section 2): it is premodern by its roots, it reinterprets and integrates modern moral philosophy and it brings light to postmodern moral debates. To continue, VE has to breathe a certain metaphysical atmosphere in order to avoid an early suffocation (section 3). This atmosphere is composed of a prudential epistemology, a pluralistic ontology of being, and an anthropology of the person and of the human nature. Finally, the flourishing of VE depends on the contribution it can make to the current moral debates. In this sense, I aim at showing that VE can enlighten us on a currently essential issue, that of anthropotechnics (section 4).
Date Added 4/30/2020, 12:02:40 AM
Modified 4/30/2020, 11:30:52 AM


  • human nature,
  • person,
  • pluralistic ontology,
  • postmodernity,
  • prudential epistemology,
  • virtue ethics


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