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¿Es posible Dios en el naturalismo de Merleau-Ponty? Discusiones fenomenológicas

¿Es posible Dios en el naturalismo de Merleau-Ponty? Discusiones fenomenológicas

Ricardo Mejía Fernández, “¿Es posible Dios en el naturalismo de Merleau-Ponty? Discusiones fenomenológicas,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 2–3 (2020): 621–38,

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  • ¿Es posible Dios en el naturalismo de Merleau-Ponty? Discusiones fenomenológicas

    Type Journal Article
    Author Ricardo Mejía Fernández
    Rights © 2020 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 76
    Issue 2-3
    Pages 621-638
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283
    Date 2020
    Extra Is God Possible in Merleau-Ponty Naturalism? Phenomenological Discussions
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2020_76_2_0621
    Language Spanish
    Abstract In order to understand the phenomenological possibility of God, or any other topic of Merleau-Ponty’s thought, we should first investigate his own naturalism. In fact, this ideological framework went through all his phenomenological work and his university teaching dedication. Our goal, which reinforces the originality of this paper, is to link the theme of God with the naturalism of Merleau-Ponty’s lectures at the Collège de France. A strong defense of an evolving and ontological Nature grasped his maturity courses about Nature, where God played second fiddle. Taking seriously this problem, the only way out for God in this author is neither that of an idea nor the God as the total otherness of mature Schelling. It should be, on the contrary, a God who can be lived carnally in some way as an extension of the biological and lived linkages of the body itself. This enormous intellectual effort constituted an important preparation to interpret contemporary theophenomenologies in French thought.
    Date Added 7/28/2020, 10:07:32 PM
    Modified 7/29/2020, 10:34:28 AM


    • God,
    • Merleau-Ponty,
    • naturalism,
    • phenomenology,
    • science,
    • theophenomenology


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