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Polarização e Fragmentação: Dos Efeitos dos Media à Partilha Seletiva

Polarização e Fragmentação: Dos Efeitos dos Media à Partilha Seletiva

João Carlos Correia and Anabela Gradim, “Polarização e Fragmentação: Dos Efeitos dos Media à Partilha Seletiva,” in Repensar a Imprensa no Ecossistema Digital, Ciências da Comunicação 1 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2020), 33–48,

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  • Polarização e Fragmentação: Dos Efeitos dos Media à Partilha Seletiva

    Type Book Section
    Author João Carlos Correia
    Author Anabela Gradim
    Rights © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Series Ciências da Comunicação
    Place Braga
    Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
    Pages 33-48
    ISBN 978-972-697-327-0
    Date 2020
    Extra Polarization and Fragmentation: From the Effects of Media to Selective Sharing
    Series Number 1
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract Fake news arises in a context of a crisis of values ​​in which the scrutiny and verification of the veracity of the facts, increasingly, give rise to the choice of factions and respective legitimating narratives that must be subscribed and shared according to pre-existing ideas. The phenomenon implies the participation of audiences, the personalization of shared content in contexts of proximity, whose analysis requires the use of concepts from social media theory, such as selective activation, memorization, and understanding. To these concepts, we add the concept selective sharing that is based on the hypothesis that users of social networks are more willing to share the ideas with which they are in agreement or to which they adhere through an emotional appeal. To this hypothesis, then, we add another that consists in the fact that the high accessibility of fake news sites, in contrast, with the recent movement that favors the previous subscription for access to quality content, can generate a knowledge gap between those motivated to pay and those who want a gratification for sharing free information. Finally, reviewing the hypotheses already worked out by empirical research, it is sustained that the role of emotion leads to a reconsideration of selectivity, as this is strategically used in the context of polarized groups that are not indifferent to the phenomena of power and leadership and not in a context of horizontal interaction between groups of neighbors of small communities, as was the case in the theory of limited effects.
    Book Title Repensar a Imprensa no Ecossistema Digital
    Date Added 12/14/2020, 5:50:41 PM
    Modified 12/14/2020, 6:06:46 PM


    • disinformation,
    • effects theory,
    • knowledge gap


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