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Empowerment psicológico e Engagement como antecedentes do bem-estar e da satisfação laboral

Empowerment psicológico e Engagement como antecedentes do bem-estar e da satisfação laboral

Daniel Moura and Alejandro Orgambídez-Ramos, “Empowerment psicológico e Engagement como antecedentes do bem-estar e da satisfação laboral,” in Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações: Contributos, ed. Fátima Lobo (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2016), 209–24, DOI 10.17990/Axi/2016_9789726972556_209

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Empowerment psicológico e Engagement como antecedentes do bem-estar e da satisfação laboral

Type Book Section
Editor Fátima Lobo
Author Daniel Moura
Author Alejandro Orgambídez-Ramos
Rights © 2016 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
Place Braga
Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
Pages 209-224
ISBN 978-972-697-255-6
Date 2016
Language Portuguese
Abstract Increasingly, organizations enter into to give value to the optimal functioning of the individual, as it brings benefits for the individual and for the organization itself. On this assumption, the purpose of this research is examines the role between psychological empowerment and engagement at work as well as their impact on job satisfaction and well-being in workers. The sample consists of 306 subjects employees of both genders with aged between 18 and 72 years (M = 35.59, SD = 10.66), all active workers, through a online questionnaires.The instruments we used four scales in total, all translated into the Portuguese population and with good psychometric properties to measure engagement. To measure Engagement, we used the Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES) of Schaufeli and Bakker (2004), to measure the Psychological Empowement employed to Psychological empowerment scale of Spreitzer (1995), the Professional Satisfaction in turn was measured with a Work Satisfaction Scale of Lima, Vala e Monteiro (1994) and finally the Personal Well-Being at work was measured with the Well-being Scale of Warr (1999).The models of multiple linear regression indicates that psychological empowerment and work engagement are predictors of satisfaction and well-being. The dimensions of the engagement, dedication and vigor were significant predictors of both the well-being and satisfaction, likewise, to self-determination was predictor of job satisfaction. It thus appears the importance of engagement and psychological empowerment to improve quality of work life, which consequently result in an increase organizational health.
Book Title Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações: Contributos
Date Added 28/06/2016, 15:31:30
Modified 28/06/2016, 15:56:32


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