The Same Objects, Self-Identities, Existential Bases
Bo Mou, “The Same Objects, Self-Identities, Existential Bases,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80, no. 4 (2024): 1145–86,
Bo Mou, “The Same Objects, Self-Identities, Existential Bases,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80, no. 4 (2024): 1145–86,
Item Type | Journal Article |
Author | Bo Mou |
Abstract | When doing philosophy, there is one norm-like common basis of which we have our pre-theoretic understanding (the “same-object-recognizing” understanding for short) to the effect that, given an object (to be under examination), there is a way that the object objectively is such that we can all talk about that same object even though we may say different things about it, neither resulting in “anything goes” nor bringing about radically different objects thus without genuine engagement. A theoretic examination of the metaphysical issue of the self-identity (as sameness) of given objects (or, in plain words and in a semantic ascent way, “how is it possible to talk about the same object differently?”) can enhance and refine the “same-object-recognizing” understanding as one significant common normative basis of doing philosophy in a constructive-engaging way. In this essay, with relevant theoretic resources of the enhanced account of relative identity and the refined characterization of the law of identity as explained in the recent literature, I examine the metaphysical issue of the self-identity (as sameness) of given objects in two closely related layers, i.e., the “way” layer and the “being” layer of “the way things are” regarding self-identities of given objects. In a holistic way, I first examine several distinct but representative types of (relative) sameness involved in the “way” part of self-identities of given objects; I then focus on five representative types of existential sameness in the “being” part at the “base” level of given objects. Their relation can be highlighted in this way: metaphysically, in the sense to be explained, distinct types of sameness at the “way” layer without existential sameness at the “being”-base layer is “empty” of base, while existential sameness at the “being”-base layer without distinct types of sameness at the “way” layer is “blind” to differentiation. |
Date | 2024 |
Language | English |
Rights | © 2024 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural |
Volume | 80 |
Pages | 1145-1186 |
Publication | Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia |
DOI | 10.17990/RPF/2024_80_4_1145 |
Issue | 4 |
Date Added | 12/6/2024, 8:33:08 PM |
Modified | 12/6/2024, 10:24:17 PM |
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