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Towards the Techno-Social Uncanny

Towards the Techno-Social Uncanny

Alexander Matthias Gerner, “Towards the Techno-Social Uncanny,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75, no. 4 (2019): 2171–2206,

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  • Towards the techno-social Uncanny

    Type Journal Article
    Author Alexander Matthias Gerner
    Rights © 2019 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2019 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 75
    Issue 4
    Pages 2171-2206
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5231
    Date 2019
    Language English
    Abstract This paper explores a technical unfinished half-method [Halbzeug] of a metaphorology (Blumenberg) of the technological other in its variations and the philosophical mise-en-scène of the techno-social uncanny. The roboticist Mori had revived the concept of a technological uncanny in human machine interaction in the spatial metaphor derived from a diagram of an uncanny valley in the reaction of a human being shaking an artificial hand in order to show why we feel a certain eeriness in relation to technological artefacts, a topic that gains importance today to reflect human technological automata relations with robots/AI/Avatars that mimic and socially resonate with humans and may even drive further technological transhumanism. Although in an artefact design approach uncanniness is said to be avoided in the human-like automaton-human encounter this paper dwells on the critic of techno-social otherness avoidance by technological overcoming of obstacles and thus argues for a cybernetic uncanny that can’t be avoided. This paper introduces in a broader sense than Mori’s a philosophical dramaturgy of Emmanuel Levinas’ temporal notion of the relation to the other, including a preliminary metaphorological variation of the temporal techno-social uncanny.
    Short Title RPF
    Date Added 1/28/2020, 4:32:42 PM
    Modified 1/28/2020, 5:22:46 PM


    • metaphorology,
    • philosophy of technology,
    • techno-social uncanny,
    • technological transhumanism,
    • temporality


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