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The Life and Things of Faith. A Partial Reading of Jean-Yves Lacoste

The Life and Things of Faith. A Partial Reading of Jean-Yves Lacoste

Jeffrey Bloechl, “The Life and Things of Faith. A Partial Reading of Jean-Yves Lacoste,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76, no. 2–3 (2020): 689–704,

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  • The Life and Things of Faith. A Partial Reading of Jean-Yves Lacoste

    Type Journal Article
    Author Jeffrey Bloechl
    Rights © 2020 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 76
    Issue 2-3
    Pages 689-704
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283
    Date 2020
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2020_76_2_0689
    Language English
    Abstract If faith makes up the living relation with a God who is not knowable as such, then we may find no better approach to the phenomenality of God than in some consideration of what that life proves capable of, and indeed incapable of. Among the essential fields of inquiry must be our engagement with things. Might there be something distinctive about how the believer dwells or works or eats? And might this tell us something about his or her relation with the unknowable God?
    Date Added 7/28/2020, 10:07:37 PM
    Modified 7/29/2020, 10:39:42 AM


    • affection,
    • appearing,
    • eschatology,
    • faith,
    • givenness,
    • Lacoste,
    • practice,
    • things,
    • vision


    • Chrétien, Jean-Louis, “Retrospective,” in The Unforgettable and the Unhoped For, trans. Jeffrey Bloechl (New York: Fordham University Press, 2002).
      Heidegger, Martin, Being and Time, trans. John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson (London: SCM Press, 1962).
      Heidegger, Martin, The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. World, Finitude, Solitude, trans. Will McNeill and Nicholas Walker (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995).
      Heidegger, Martin, “What is Metaphysics?,” trans. David Farrell Krell, in Pathmarks, ed. W. McNeill (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998).
      Husserl, Edmund, Analyses of Passive and Active Synthesis. Lectures on Transcendental Logic, trans. Anthony Steinbock (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2001).
      Husserl, Edmund, Ideas for a Transcendental Phenomenology and a Phenomenological Philosophy, Book I, trans. Fred Kersten (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1982),
      Husserl, Edmund, The Idea of Phenomenology, trans. Lee Hardy (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1999).
      Lacoste, Jean-Yves, The Appearing of God, trans. Oliver O’Donovan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
      Lacoste, Jean-Yves, “En marge du monde et de la terre: l’aise. Un problème,” in Le monde et l’absence d’oeuvre (Paris: P.U.F., 2002).
      Lacoste, Jean-Yves, Etre en danger (Paris: Cerf, 2011).
      Lacoste, Jean-Yves, Experience and the Absolute, trans. Mark Raftery-Skehan (New York: Fordham University Press, 1999).
      Lacoste, Jean-Yves, “Expériences hors existence. Un problème,” in L’intuition sacramentelle et autres essais (Nanterre: Ad Solem, 2015).
      Lacoste, Jean-Yves, “Le monde et l’absence d’oeuvre,” in Le monde et l’absence d’oeuvre (Paris: P.U.F., 2000).
      Lacoste, Jean-Yves, “Mise en oeuvre et complément d’apparaître,” in Présence et parousie (Nanterre: Ad Solem, 2006)
      Lacoste, Jean-Yves, “Work of Art and Complement of Appearing,” trans. Jeffrey Bloechl, in Religious Experience and the End of Metaphysics, ed. Jeffrey Bloechl (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003).
      Marion, Jean-Luc, “Lacoste ou la correction de l’analytique existentiale,” in Transversalités 110, no. 2 (2009).


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