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A Pedagogia da Companhia de Jesus: da tradição à inovação

A Pedagogia da Companhia de Jesus: da tradição à inovação

Cleiton Junior Gretzler, Dário Schneider, and Marcio Longhi, “A Pedagogia da Companhia de Jesus: da tradição à inovação. Os desafios e as oportunidades da retroalimentação da prática docente,” in Educação em Tempos Incertos, Pedagogia 3 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2020), 205–20,

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  • A Pedagogia da Companhia de Jesus: da tradição à inovação. Os desafios e as oportunidades da retroalimentação da prática docente

    Type Book Section
    Author Cleiton Junior Gretzler
    Author Dário Schneider
    Author Marcio Longhi
    Rights © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Series Pedagogia
    Place Braga
    Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
    Pages 205-220
    ISBN 978-972-697-329-4
    Date 2020
    Series Number 3
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract Tradition and innovation are marks of doing humanistic education from the perspective of Ignatian Pedagogy in five centuries of the Society of Jesus. It is challenging and, at the same time, an opportunity to contemplate the simultaneous way in which these marks are shown in confessional educational institutions, through the development of pedagogical practices whose objective is the qualification of integral learning. World market trends, and more specifically the Brazilian one,impose strategic decision-making to resignify pedagogical proposals from the perspective of the development of competencies and skills in the cognitive, socio-emotional and spiritual-religious dimensions in the primary and secondary schools of the Society of Jesus in Brazil. It is important to develop an educational management process with an attentive eye on the integral education of the student, which takes into account the shared construction, between the pedagogical team and teachers, of practices and learning strategies that promote up-to-date education in terms of student time and space, without losing sight of the roots and values that have enabled The Society of Jesus possible to reach the 21st century as a reference in world education. The experience of the Teaching Practice Feedback Project demonstrates approximation with the premises of the Jesuit tradition and the Ignatian Paradigm and inspires a new understanding and didactic-pedagogical transposition to the present day, in which the follow-up feedback has effective and affective meaning and sense in the process of teaching and learning.
    Book Title Educação em Tempos Incertos
    Date Added 12/21/2020, 7:08:58 PM
    Modified 12/21/2020, 7:20:33 PM


    • ignatian pedagogy, jesuit education, Society of Jesus, teaching practice.


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