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El logos propio y el problema de la verdad en Antístenes

El logos propio y el problema de la verdad en Antístenes

Santiago Chame, “El logos propio y el problema de la verdad en Antístenes,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 77, no. 1 (2021): 383–410,

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  • El logos propio y el problema de la verdad en Antístenes

    Type Journal Article
    Author Santiago Chame
    Rights © 2021 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 77
    Issue 1
    Pages 383-410
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283
    Date 2021
    Extra The Proper Logos and the Problem of Truth in Antisthenes
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2021_77_1_0383
    Language Spanish
    Abstract In this paper, I examine Antisthenes’s conception of truth in order to better understand the relation between ontology and language in his thought. I intend to show that it presents a sharp contrast to Plato’s account of the problem of truth, which relies on an affirmative conception of ontology that involves both the concepts of correspondence and of predicative attribution. While for both philosophers the problem of truth is central, Antisthenes develops a peculiar perspective that subverts Plato’s attempt to sort, through dialectics, the interferences that permeate language, in order to gain access to an essential instance that warrants a truthful discourse. For Antisthenes, truth cannot be understood in terms of correspondence, since, properly speaking, there are only true propositions.
    Date Added 4/29/2021, 12:33:26 AM
    Modified 4/29/2021, 11:54:47 AM


    • Antisthenes, correspondence, language, predication, Plato, truth.


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