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El reposo y la seguridad en Dios. Bases para una fenomenología de la religión en Edith Stein

El reposo y la seguridad en Dios. Bases para una fenomenología de la religión en Edith Stein

Rubén Sánchez Muñoz, “El reposo y la seguridad en Dios. Bases para una fenomenología de la religión en Edith Stein,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 1–2 (2022): 405–24,

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  • El reposo y la seguridad en Dios. Bases para una fenomenología de la religión en Edith Stein

    Type Journal Article
    Author Rubén Sánchez Muñoz
    Rights © 2022 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 78
    Issue 1-2
    Pages 405-424
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date 2022
    Extra The Rest and the Security in God. Foundations for a Phenomenology of Religion in Edith Stein
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2022_78_1_0405
    Language Spanish
    Abstract Although Edith Stein did not write a treatise exclusively devoted to the phenomenology of religion, the subject appears in her works and gives valuable indications for understanding the phenomenon of religion. In this article, we will review two of these experiences. One of them appears in Psychische Kausalität when speaking of the experience of “at rest” (Ruhens). The second appears in the Einführung in die Philosophie and Stein calls it experience or feeling of “secutity” (Geborgenheit). In both we can see Stein´s reception of Adolf Reinach´s notes on the philosophy of religion, but, beyond that, they are experience that describe essential notes on the relationship of man with God. In this sense, our purpose is to show how important it is for Edith Stein´s description of religious experience to describe in the form of a “feeling” that touches the interior of the person, i.e. his soul or Gemüt. From there, we want to propose that the phenomenology of religion that Edith Stein develops opens to the understanding of the person understood as interiority and that it is from there that the person feels touched by God. The human person seeks God and the encounter with Him gives him the calm, the security and the shelter that he cannot find elsewhere.
    Date Added 7/30/2022, 10:18:52 PM
    Modified 7/30/2022, 11:05:28 PM


    • Edith Stein, experience, feeling, God, interiority, religious phenomenon.


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