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Ampliación trascendental de la empatía en Edith Stein: el tipo analógico

Ampliación trascendental de la empatía en Edith Stein: el tipo analógico

José Luis Caballero Bono, “Ampliación trascendental de la empatía en Edith Stein: el tipo analógico,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 1–2 (2022): 111–34,

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  • Ampliación trascendental de la empatía en Edith Stein: el tipo analógico

    Type Journal Article
    Author José Luis Caballero Bono
    Rights © 2022 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 78
    Issue 1-2
    Pages 111-134
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date 2022
    Extra Edith Stein’s Analogycal Type and the Transcendental Extension of Phenomenology
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2022_78_1_0111
    Language Spanish
    Abstract This article proposes an extension of Edith Stein’s natural approach to empathy that points to the transcendental phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. The key concept herein is that of type, as related to the analogy present in every experience of empathy. Edith Stein rejects inference by analogy as an explanation to the knowledge of others. But that does not amount to an exclusion of analogy itself from that knowledge. Husserl approaches the experience of another subject by way of an analogy without inference. Stein also provides an explanation by analogy of the experience of other subjects, as an experience of belonging to the same type. The concept of type is an analogical concept itself, built on similarity. Type allows access to the transcendental sphere, after Edith Stein’s criticism of the concept of pure self. Type also preserves the alterity of the empathized subject, as a result of the inhomogeneity and distinctiveness of its specimens. Type as a basis of the analogical process that takes place in empathy reveals itself as its transcendental foundation, as it points to an intersubjectivity that pre-exists empathy as a psychological experience.
    Date Added 7/30/2022, 10:18:36 PM
    Modified 7/30/2022, 10:46:50 PM


    • analogy, analogy of proportionality, analogical type, Edith Stein, Edmund Husserl, empathy, transcendental phenomenology.


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