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Totalización y dialéctica: reflexión a partir de la historia de la ciencia en guerra fría

Totalización y dialéctica: reflexión a partir de la historia de la ciencia en guerra fría

Felipe Trujillo Bilbao, “Totalización y dialéctica: reflexión a partir de la historia de la ciencia en guerra fría,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 3 (2022): 1133–48,

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  • Totalización y dialéctica: reflexión a partir de la historia de la ciencia en guerra fría

    Type Journal Article
    Author Felipe Trujillo Bilbao
    Rights © 2022 by Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 78
    Issue 3
    Pages 1133-1148
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date 2022
    Extra Totalization and Dialectics: Reflection from the History of Science in Cold War
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2022_78_3_1133
    Language Spanish
    Abstract This paper discusses from what role a dialectical understanding can play for analyzing the case of “scientific developments in the cold war”, following Gabrielle Hecht’s book on the “technologies of empire” and how that narrative appealed to different situations in Latin America during the cold war (with the aeronautical development in Brasilia, for example). I will focus on the mechanisms that the text has to recognize the historical processes that accompany the production of that scientific knowledge, framed in a historical process that has the characteristics of a more complex historical event, such as the cold war. Afterwards, I Will focous on the philosophical implications of this matter. Specifically, I will first summarize some of the proposals for the relationship between the collective and the individual that exist in the different thinkers that we have reviewed. With this, I hope to generate a small framework of analysis to review how the case study I have selected is positioned in the historical explanation. The theoretical problem that underlies this reflection is in the diagnosis made by Emilia Viotti in her negative dialectic, and we take elements mainly from the historiographical proposal of E. P. Thompson and from the considerations on the method of Jean-Paul Sartre who marks history as the discipline in the best conditions to face the problem of totalization.
    Date Added 8/11/2022, 9:35:29 PM
    Modified 8/11/2022, 10:15:41 PM


    • cold war, dialectics, history, history of science, situation, structure, totalization.


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