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Das Wesen der menschlichen Handlung bei Thomas von Aquin

Das Wesen der menschlichen Handlung bei Thomas von Aquin

Christopher Alexander Franke and Joelma Marques de Carvalho, “Das Wesen der menschlichen Handlung bei Thomas von Aquin,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79, no. 1–2 (2023): 479–506,

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  • Das Wesen der menschlichen Handlung bei Thomas von Aquin

    Item Type Journal Article
    Author Christopher Alexander Franke
    Author Joelma Marques de Carvalho
    Abstract The distinction between actus humanus and actus hominis is the best-known distinction in Thomas Aquinas’ theory of action. A human action (actus humanus) is a special case of an act of a human being (actus hominis). Several acts of our intellect and will form a human action and thereby put it from the realm of pure natural happenings (genus naturae) into the moral realm (genus moris). The paper at hand shows the character and main parameters of Thomas Aquinas’ action theory, especially in the Summa theologiae I-II, quaestiones 6-17. Moreover, it presents Thomas Aquinas’ central idea of what is the essence of a human action. The analysis especially makes use of the element of command (imperium) It shows that, according to Aquinas, acting consists in the intellectually comprehensible self-disclosure of a person and therefore builds the basis for the moral evaluation of human actions.
    Date 2023
    Language German
    Rights © 2023 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Extra The Essence of Human Action in Thomas Aquinas
    Volume 79
    Pages 479-506
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2023_79_1_0479
    Issue 1-2
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date Added 31/07/2023, 7:21:55 PM
    Modified 31/07/2023, 9:36:05 PM


    • action theory, human acts, person, philosophy of action, Thomas Aquinas.


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