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Living Well without Knowledge: Uncertainty in the Moral Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas

Living Well without Knowledge: Uncertainty in the Moral Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas

Joshua P. Hochschild, “Living Well without Knowledge: Uncertainty in the Moral Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79, no. 1–2 (2023): 405–28,

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  • Living Well without Knowledge: Uncertainty in the Moral Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas

    Item Type Journal Article
    Author Joshua P. Hochschild
    Abstract Thomists typically emphasize and defend Aquinas’s “realist” approach to knowledge as an alternative to modern skepticism, but Aquinas is attuned to the common experience of uncertainty, and gives principled reasons for the limits of knowledge across various domains, including especially in the realm of human action. Virtue in general, and Thomistic practical wisdom specifically, can be understood as a habit for responsibly managing choice in the face of imperfect knowledge, unpredictable circumstances, and risk. Several modern specialized disciplines – especially economics, psychology, and various applied social sciences – have highlighted interesting questions about uncertainty and its practical significance, especially in evaluating risk. Emphasizing the role of uncertainty in life is thus not only an invitation for Thomists to notice neglected aspects of Aquinas’s thought, but an opportunity to bring Aquinas’s writings into conversations in other disciplines. Catholic social teaching presents a particularly promising area to engage and learn from those other disciplines in the ongoing elaboration of Thomistic thought.
    Date 2023
    Language English
    Rights © 2023 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Volume 79
    Pages 405-428
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2023_79_1_0405
    Issue 1-2
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date Added 31/07/2023, 7:21:52 PM
    Modified 31/07/2023, 9:31:19 PM


    • catholic social teaching, prudence, risk, skepticism, Thomas Aquinas, uncertainty.


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