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Understanding Narratives According to the Psychology of Thomas Aquinas

Understanding Narratives According to the Psychology of Thomas Aquinas

Stephen Chanderbhan, “Understanding Narratives According to the Psychology of Thomas Aquinas,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79, no. 1–2 (2023): 315–40,

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  • Understanding Narratives according to the Psychology of Thomas Aquinas

    Item Type Journal Article
    Author Stephen Chanderbhan
    Abstract Narratives relate salient connected events across some time and many particular details of the agents involved in those events. Whether fictional or true, historical or current, personal or cultural, they seem to pervade human experience and, according to theorists across different philosophical traditions, can be of some help to elucidate concerns in the moral life. Thomas Aquinas himself acknowledges the existence of such things, or at least their near analogues, in various places in his corpus. But he does not offer a sustained explanation of how narratives are understood in terms of his psychology. In this paper, I claim that such an account lies in his thought on the functioning of two interior senses in particular – the cogitative power (vis cogitativa) and the memorative power (vis memorativa) – which have been the subject of more sustained study only more recently. With this account of how humans generate and process such narratives, Thomistic scholars will be positioned to explain how narratives may function in human experience, especially the moral life, on Thomistic terms.
    Date 2023
    Language English
    Rights © 2023 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Volume 79
    Pages 315-340
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2023_79_1_0315
    Issue 1-2
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date Added 31/07/2023, 7:21:47 PM
    Modified 31/07/2023, 9:26:02 PM


    • cogitative power, memorative power, moral psychology, narrative ethics, practical reason, Thomas Aquinas.


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