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A conceptualização da posse e da existência em português

A conceptualização da posse e da existência em português

Joana Jacinto, “A conceptualização da posse e da existência em português: subsídios para a conceptualização dos desenvolvimentos diacrónicos das construções com haver e ter,” Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades 28, no. 1–2 (2024): 111–42,

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  • A conceptualização da posse e da existência em português: subsídios para a conceptualização dos desenvolvimentos diacrónicos das construções com haver e ter

    Item Type Journal Article
    Author Joana Jacinto
    Abstract This paper develops an analysis of the historical development of the possessive and existential constructions in Portuguese from a Cognitive Grammar perspective, as the outcome of a metonymical mapping which has taken place in the conceptual space shared by possessive, locative and existential constructions. Moreover, we demonstrate that the shift from possession to existence can be ascribed to two different types of construals: 1) reification in the possessive domain and 2) active-zone activation in the existential domain. Thus we claim that possessive constructions with haver correspond to a relationship profiled by a verb that takes an internal perspective and propose that the existential construction arises from a change in the primary focal prominence of the elements in such relationship, i.e., through zone-activation or metonymic shift of the already reified verbal basis.
    Date 2024
    Language Portuguese
    Rights © 2024 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Extra The Conceptualization of Possession and Existence in Portuguese: Contributions to the Study of the Diachronic Developments of Constructions with Haver and Ter
    Volume 28
    Pages 111-142
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades
    DOI 10.17990/RPH/2024_28_1_111
    Issue 1-2
    ISSN 0874-0321
    Date Added 12/30/2024, 6:46:41 PM
    Modified 12/30/2024, 7:00:44 PM


    • existence, haver, metonymy, possession, portuguese, ter.


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