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Franz Rosenzweig e o Deus Reconhecido

Franz Rosenzweig e o Deus Reconhecido

Mendo Castro Henriques, “Franz Rosenzweig e o Deus Reconhecido,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73, no. 2 (2017): 515–32, DOI 10.17990/rpf/2017_73_2_0515

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  • Franz Rosenzweig e o Deus Reconhecido

    Type Journal Article
    Author Mendo Castro Henriques
    Rights © 2017 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2017 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 73
    Issue 2
    Pages 515-532
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5283; 2183-461X
    Date 2017
    DOI 10.17990/rpf/2017_73_2_0515
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract Rosenzweig’s outstanding work culminates in the issue of recognition of God. God is a being who we vainly try to reduce to an object, and whose manifestation goes along a hidden face. The divine being calls the human being, among the nothings of nature and the culture of nihilism, overcoming the totalities of power and history. This will be an important path for Rosenzweig’s new dialogical philosophy, opening the way for the voices of Lévinas, Buber, Fromm, Strauss, Benjamin and Scholem, and developing the hermeneutic categories of relation, narrative, temporality and redemption.
    Date Added 21/06/2017, 11:00:19
    Modified 14/07/2017, 10:01:22


    • alterity
    • God
    • humanity
    • narrative
    • redemption
    • temporality


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      Pollock, Benjamin. Franz Rosenzweig and the Systematic Task of Philosophy. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 2009.
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      Rubinstein, Ernest. An Episode of Jewish Romanticism: Franz Rosenzweig’s Star of redemption. New York: State University of New York Press, 1999.
      S. Agostinho. De Trinitate. Lisboa: Paulinas, 2007.
      Schelling, Friedrich. Schellings Werke. Nachlassband. Die Weltalter. Fragmente. In den Urfassungen von 1811 and 1813. ed. Manfred Schroter, Munchen: C. H. Beck, 1946.
      Schmied-Kowarzik, Wolfdietrich. Rosenzweig im Gespräch mit Eherenberg, Cohen und Buber  (= Rosenzweigiana. Bd. 1). Freiburg. 2006.

      Press, 2009.
      Casper, Bernhard. Das Dialogische Denken: Eine Untersuchung der religionsphilosophischen Bedeutung Franz Rosenzweigs, Ferdinand Ebners und Martin Buber’s. Freiburg: Herder, 1967
      Kasper, Walter. The God of Jesus Christ. Nova York: Crossroads Publishing Company, 1986.
      Glatzer, Nahum. Franz Rosenzweig: His Life and Thought. New York: Schocken Books, 1953.
      Henriques, Mendo Castro. Franz Rosenzweig e o Pensamento Dialógico. Lisboa : Universidade Católica Editora, 2017
      Lévinas, Emmanuel. “Franz Rosenzweig: une pensée juive moderne “, in Revue de théologie et de philosophie, 15, 1965.
      Löwith, Karl. “M. Heidegger und F. Rosenzweig ein Nachtrag zu Sein und Zeit”, Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 12, no 2 (1958): 161 – 187
      Lubatti Gustavo. “La relación entre razón y fe en La Estrella de la Redención de Franz Rosenzweig”, Teología y cultura, 4, vol. 7 (agosto 2007)
      Mendes-Flohr, Paul (ed.). The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig. Hanover: NH; University Press of New England for Brandeis University Press, 1988
      Mosès, Stéphane. Système et Révèlation. La Philosophie de Franz Rosenzweig. Paris: Seuil, 1982.
      Palmer, Gesine; Schwarz, Yossef. Innerlich bleibt die Welt eine. Ausgewählte Texte von Franz Rosenzweig über den Islam. Berlin: Taschenbuch, 2003
      Pollock, Benjamin. Franz Rosenzweig and the Systematic Task of Philosophy. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 2009.
      Ratzinger, Joseph. Introduction to Christianity. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1990.
      Rosenzweig, Franz. Der Stern der Erlösung. GS II [4.ª edição] Haia: Reinhold Mayer, 1976.
      Rosenzweig, Franz. Theological and Philosophical Writings. ed. coment. e notas de Paul W. Frank e Michael L. Morgan. Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., Indianapolis, 2000.
      Rubinstein, Ernest. An Episode of Jewish Romanticism: Franz Rosenzweig’s Star of redemption. New York: State University of New York Press, 1999.
      S. Agostinho. De Trinitate. Lisboa: Paulinas, 2007.
      Schelling, Friedrich. Schellings Werke. Nachlassband. Die Weltalter. Fragmente. In den Urfassungen von 1811 and 1813. ed. Manfred Schroter, Munchen: C. H. Beck, 1946.
      Schmied-Kowarzik, Wolfdietrich. Rosenzweig im Gespräch mit Eherenberg, Cohen und Buber  (= Rosenzweigiana. Bd. 1). Freiburg. 2006.


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