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La filosofía política de Guillermo de Ockham en el Dialogus III: relación entre Iglesia y Estado

La filosofía política de Guillermo de Ockham en el Dialogus III: relación entre Iglesia y Estado

Esteban Peña Eguren, “La filosofía política de Guillermo de Ockham en el Dialogus III: relación entre Iglesia y Estado,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75, no. 3 (2019): 1881–1902,

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La filosofía política de Guillermo de Ockham en el Dialogus III: relación entre Iglesia y Estado

Type Journal Article
Author Esteban Peña Eguren
Rights © 2019 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2019 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Volume 75
Issue 3
Pages 1881-1902
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
ISSN 0870-5283
Date 2019
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2019_75_3_1881
Language Spanish
Abstract W. of Ockham, in search of the common good and the harmony of the social body, elaborates a particular version of the political model called via media in his fundamental text of political philosophy: the Dialogus, part III. To do this, he uses two terms with which he articulates the relationship between Church and state: regulariter, which expresses the autonomy of the powers (under normal conditions, the prince will be in charge of the secular world and the priest of the spiritual matters), and in casu, which allows each power to go beyond its natural environment (when the general framework fails, it is lawful to intervene in the foreign field). The criticism of the abuse of pontifical power over the empire becomes a defense of the freedom of the Christian, but also of the citizen before the secular power: lex evangelica est lex libertatis.
Date Added 27/10/2019, 19:53:15
Modified 27/10/2019, 21:03:53


  • political philosophy,
  • in casu,
  • Ockham,
  • regulariter,
  • via media


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    Morón Arroyo, Ciriaco. Las humanidades en la era tecnológica. Oviedo: Ediciones Nobel, 1998.
    Nussbaum, Martha. Not for Profit. Why Democracy Needs the Humanities. Princeton – Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2016.
    Peña, Esteban. La filosofía política de Guillermo de Ockham. Madrid, Encuentro, 2005.
    Scholz, R. Unbekannte kirchenpolitischen Streitschriften aus der Zeit Ludwigs des Bayern (1327-1354), vol. II. Rome: Loescher, 1911-1914.


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