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Metaphor in Analytic Philosophy and Cognitive Science

Metaphor in Analytic Philosophy and Cognitive Science

Jakub Mácha, “Metaphor in Analytic Philosophy and Cognitive Science,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75, no. 4 (2019): 2247–86,

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  • Metaphor in Analytic Philosophy and Cognitive Science

    Type Journal Article
    Author Jakub Mácha
    Rights © 2019 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2019 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    Volume 75
    Issue 4
    Pages 2247-2286
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    ISSN 0870-5231
    Date 2019
    Language English
    Abstract This article surveys theories of metaphor in analytic philosophy and cognitive science. In particular, it focuses on contemporary semantic, pragmatic and non-cognitivist theories of linguistic metaphor and on the Conceptual Metaphor Theory advanced by George Lakoff and his school. Special attention is given to the mechanisms that are shared by nearly all these approaches, i.e. mechanisms of interaction and mapping between conceptual domains. Finally, the article discusses several recent attempts to combine these theories of linguistic and conceptual metaphor into a unitary account.
    Short Title RPF
    Date Added 1/28/2020, 4:32:46 PM
    Modified 1/28/2020, 5:27:35 PM


    • analytic philosophy,
    • cognitive science,
    • conceptual metaphor,
    • cross-domain mapping,
    • metaphor,
    • non-cognitivism,
    • pragmatics


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