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Ampliação da Audiência em Redes Sociais como Estratégia de Negócio nos Meios Regionais de Portugal

Ampliação da Audiência em Redes Sociais como Estratégia de Negócio nos Meios Regionais de Portugal

Mateus Silva Noronha, “Ampliação da Audiência em Redes Sociais como Estratégia de Negócio nos Meios Regionais de Portugal,” in Repensar a Imprensa no Ecossistema Digital, Ciências da Comunicação 1 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2020), 113–32,

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  • Ampliação da Audiência em Redes Sociais como Estratégia de Negócio nos Meios Regionais de Portugal

    Type Book Section
    Author Mateus Silva Noronha
    Rights © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Series Ciências da Comunicação
    Place Braga
    Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
    Pages 113-132
    ISBN 978-972-697-327-0
    Date 2020
    Extra Broadening of the Audience on Social Networks as a Business Strategy in the Regional Media of Portugal
    Series Number 1
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract This paper seeks to identify in local news in the Center of Portugal region the use of social networks to increase the number of user-readers and the value of “audience commodity”. A strategy characterized by the creation of extra audiences on digital social media platforms or messaging applications in which are posted content to be consumed and recirculated to other groups or spaces, allowing new views, accesses and, consequently, the increase of value of advertsing spaces and interest in the political sphere. This work comprises a audiênce commodity as the main media product and its source of political and economic power in the midst of competitive disputes over the business economy in the digital ecosystem. The study is carried out based on an exploratory survey of 18 media about revenue models and the use of the audience expansion strategy. The data is enriched with qualitative analysis from two focus groups carried out on the Remedia.Lab project, University of Beira Interior (UBI), and data from the Communication Observatory (Obercom) (Cardoso and Mendonça 2017) and Digital News Report (Newman et al., 2019). We note that the media uses incipiently the Internet spaces available to produce extra audiences, however, an analysis of the public profile indicates that the implementation of the strategy may not generate results at the present time, but it is essential for next years.
    Book Title Repensar a Imprensa no Ecossistema Digital
    Date Added 12/14/2020, 5:50:54 PM
    Modified 12/14/2020, 6:15:17 PM


    • audience commodity,
    • business models,
    • local news,
    • propagability,
    • social networks


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