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Populist Postmodernism: When Cultural Critique of an Enlightenment Occupation Goes Viral

Populist Postmodernism: When Cultural Critique of an Enlightenment Occupation Goes Viral

Jane B. Singer, “Populist Postmodernism: When Cultural Critique of an Enlightenment Occupation Goes Viral,” in Repensar a Imprensa No Ecossistema Digital, Ciências Da Comunicação 1 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2020), 3–12,

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  • Populist Postmodernism: When Cultural Critique of an Enlightenment Occupation Goes Viral

    Type Book Section
    Author Jane B. Singer
    Rights © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Series Ciências da Comunicação
    Place Braga
    Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
    Pages 3-12
    ISBN 978-972-697-327-0
    Date 2020
    Extra Pós-modernismo Populista: Quando a Crítica Cultural de uma Ocupação Iluminista se torna Viral
    Series Number 1
    Language English
    Abstract Journalism as an occupation has deep roots in the Enlightenment. The criticisms it faces, in contrast, reflect a populist permutation of Postmodernist critiques. This essay explores the implications for contemporary journalism, ending with suggestions for how practitioners might best respond.
    Book Title Repensar a Imprensa no Ecossistema Digital
    Date Added 12/14/2020, 5:50:38 PM
    Modified 12/14/2020, 6:02:38 PM


    • democracy,
    • enlightenment,
    • journalism,
    • populism,
    • postmodernism,
    • truth


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