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Educar a interioridade para aprender a ser. Porque é que tantos duvidam?

Educar a interioridade para aprender a ser. Porque é que tantos duvidam?

Ana Mira Vaz, “Educar a interioridade para aprender a ser. Porque é que tantos duvidam?,” in Educação em Tempos Incertos, Pedagogia 3 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2020), 449–58,

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  • Educar a interioridade para aprender a ser. Porque é que tantos duvidam?

    Type Book Section
    Author Ana Mira Vaz
    Rights © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Series Pedagogia
    Place Braga
    Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
    Pages 449-458
    ISBN 978-972-697-329-4
    Date 2020
    Series Number 3
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract The question arises when trying to understand why the education of interiority is so often given a side look. In the academic world, it tends to be considered ‘intrusive’, for the seriousness that should characterize the production of knowledge. In some Christian circles, it is suspected of diverting the energy necessary for fraternal, solidary action,an essential gesture in building justice in the world. Others are suspicious of its apparent proximity to intimate and self-centered experiences which propose ready-made responses to the lack of existential meaning. There are certainly reasons for skepticism. It is therefore necessary to make clear that this educational paradigm is situated “at the center of the best spiritual tradition of Christian anthropology”. The history of humanity is none other than the personal history of every man and woman in the quest to find the meaning of one’s existence. Moreover, if giving attention to the interior is a major and necessary step in the process of building the human being, from self-centeredness to decentralization, we should reflect on how to do it in school and, above all, whether it is the task of its educators. The education of the being is an integral part of the formation of the person, as the Delors Report so well emphasized. It proposes “to go beyond the purely instrumental vision of education, considered as the obligatory way to obtain certain results (...), and to consider it in all its fullness: the realization of the person who, as a ​whole, learns to be”. In this article, I intend to bring to discussion the valuable contribution of education of the interiority to this aim.
    Book Title Educação em Tempos Incertos
    Date Added 12/21/2020, 7:09:12 PM
    Modified 12/21/2020, 7:34:07 PM


    • christian anthropology, education of interiority, ignatian pedagogy, pedagogy, spirituality.


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