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Aprender a ensinar: o programa pedagógico do P. Jouvency, S.J.

Aprender a ensinar: o programa pedagógico do P. Jouvency, S.J.

Ana Paula Pinto, “Aprender a ensinar: o programa pedagógico do P. Jouvency, S.J.,” in Educação em Tempos Incertos, Pedagogia 3 (Braga: Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2020), 385–408,

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  • Aprender a ensinar: o programa pedagógico do P. Jouvency, S.J.

    Type Book Section
    Author Ana Paula Pinto
    Rights © 2020 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Series Pedagogia
    Place Braga
    Publisher Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia
    Pages 385-408
    ISBN 978-972-697-329-4
    Date 2020
    Series Number 3
    Language Portuguese
    Abstract The first evangelical project of the Society of Jesus did not foresee a special dedication to teaching, but this ministry ended up revealing the nature of its essentiality in the Ignatian dynamics. Committed to creating a school network of extraordinary breadth, the Society of Jesus needed a unifying document, the Ratio atque Institutio Studiorum Societatis Iesu (1599), which guaranteed for all its schools not only the identity and continuity of principles, but also the consistent articulation of pedagogical methods and procedures. A century later, in a context of growing moral and spiritual crisis, there would be an urgency to complement this work, in order to adjust it to the needs of teachers who were growing increasingly removed from classical studies. Thus was published in 1703 the De Ratione discendi et docendi, by Father Jouvency, S.J., one of the most devoted Jesuit educators and humanists. Above all, the work has the merit of underlining, from a highly current pedagogical perspective, the peculiar responsibility of the teacher’s mission. As a conscious and committed mediator of a precious legacy, the educator – who learns to teach – must be concerned not only with the content, means, and ways of teaching, but also (and above all) with methods of their own prior learning, in order to perfect the mechanisms by which he will pass on to students what he has learned.
    Book Title Educação em Tempos Incertos
    Date Added 12/21/2020, 7:09:11 PM
    Modified 12/21/2020, 7:30:28 PM


    • De Ratione Discendi et Docendi, ignatian dynamics, Joseph Jouvency, pedagogical project, Ratio Studiorum.


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